I was jamming to some techno on my way to work laughing by myself because I am so happy and grateful for my life and the things that I have! I am grateful to be able to go to college and get a degree in something that I love! For my beautiful family, blood or no blood, the family I have created for myself! For my amazing handsome husband and our two beautiful dogs! I am even grateful for the things that will come in my future, because I know things will only get better and better as the days go by! Than I read the daily teaching from "The Secret" iphone app and look what it had to say!! Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are to attract more positivity into your life' I hope you all have a beautiful day!
This is beyond true because I was in a relapse recently with my legs where I have to walk with a cane..this relapse had lasted 6 long months..& all I kept focusing on was the negative. Then one day I said "I need to stop focusing on what I don't have (in terms of my health) & focus & be thankful for what I do have..5 days later I went back into full remission. Amazing Post & So true!!!