Hello everyone! I apologize for not keeping up with the blogging lately, I just recently finished school and have just been lazy now that I have time to be!! :) Any-hoo I just wanted to post a quick tutorial of a craft I actually made on new years but never used it. You all know my husband and I are expecting (7 weeks today yayy!!) and lately he has been mentioning to me how he sort of feels left out because everyone is giving me the pregnant lady all the attention. With most pregnancies this is the case because the father is not the one carrying the baby, but we all must remember that he took a part in creating the little miracle too!! So I whipped out the craft I made on news years and have been putting it to good use. It is a cute way to remind your spouse or significant other why you love them so much!!
Things you will need:
- An 8x10 frame (or any size you prefer)
- Puffy paint (in any color)
- a plain colored piece of paper
- a dry erase marker
Very simple steps.
- With the puffy paint write "I love you because..." in what ever type of font you would like.
- let it dry over night.
- Frame the colored piece of paper that is used as a background.
- with the dry erase marker you can write reasons why you love your significant other so much and erase it very easily.
Display it some where they will see it everyday!! Mine is in our kitchen haha don't mind my little Rat friend! :)
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