There is a place in North Eastern Ohio called Nelson's Ledges Quarry Park. For many years this place has been a family oriented camp ground with weekend festivals during the summer. Yesterday the park announced that they were having a festival with a music genre that is not their "norm" and it caused a lot of controversy. I was in total shock at first because the Quarry is a respected place and those who visit have respect for the park, but when the August EST. Festival was announced I immediately thought, our home away from home is never going to be the same. I sat and read all of the comments being made on NLQP's facebook page about the situation, and went a long and put my two cents in. I later deleted what I had said but it wasn't so much of a positive comment, I was judging people, something that I try not to do. Brings me to the whole point of this post...Judging. Why do people judge one another? Is it to make themselves feel better for what they lack? Why must we feel superior to the next? I myself get caught judging others and afterwards I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I even formulated a negative thought in my mind. People are always judging me. For the clothes I wear, the things I say, my beliefs. For the fact that I am home and not working in my career field while pregnant as my husband cares for us both and our unborn baby. People even judge what I have to say on my blog. But why? What is it to anyone else what makes me happy or what I do in my own life that has no effect on them? Everyone is different. We all find different ways to make ourselves happy and as long as it is not harming anything or anyone than so be it. Next time you catch yourself ready to judge someone think about how you would feel if they were doing the same to you.
<a href="http://www.hypersmash.com">Hyper Smash</a>
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