Monday, June 24, 2013
Momma Boom Hit 30 Weeks!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Chakra Aligning Sequence
I love because they offer a variety of sequence videos by many different instructors.
My mind was a little off balance for the last couple of days and was in much need to realign my chakras. The video I chose today was called "Get Into the Groove" by Alanna Kaivalya. The sequence is to help realign the lower three chakras..root, sacral, and solar plexus.
You want to move through Surya Namaskar A a few times to warm yourself up.
My mind was a little off balance for the last couple of days and was in much need to realign my chakras. The video I chose today was called "Get Into the Groove" by Alanna Kaivalya. The sequence is to help realign the lower three chakras..root, sacral, and solar plexus.
You want to move through Surya Namaskar A a few times to warm yourself up.
These next few pictures are the asanas in the sequence:
Here is the link if you would like to check out the video yourself:
Yoga Love...
Just wanted to share something that I found on tumblr... why we really do yoga. Not to be bendy and in shape but to connect with our inner self and calm our minds.
Physical form and poses, although useful along the way, are not the end goal. It simply does not matter whether your hamstrings are long or your body is toned if you are not a nice person. Alternatively, a person practicing the most basic level of yoga while maintaining a heartfelt devotion to living a more compassionate and peaceful life is perhaps a very accomplished yogi. Whenever excited students would bring in photos of contortionists and other extremely bendy people to show Jois and his grandson, Sharath, Jois would always take time to look deeply at the image. Then his furrowed brow would clear and he would say, “That not yoga. That only bending. Yoga means self-knowledge.” — Kino MacGregor, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga
Physical form and poses, although useful along the way, are not the end goal. It simply does not matter whether your hamstrings are long or your body is toned if you are not a nice person. Alternatively, a person practicing the most basic level of yoga while maintaining a heartfelt devotion to living a more compassionate and peaceful life is perhaps a very accomplished yogi. Whenever excited students would bring in photos of contortionists and other extremely bendy people to show Jois and his grandson, Sharath, Jois would always take time to look deeply at the image. Then his furrowed brow would clear and he would say, “That not yoga. That only bending. Yoga means self-knowledge.” — Kino MacGregor, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga
Friday, June 14, 2013
Veggies Veggies Juice and More Veggies!
My husband and I purchased a share of an organic farm near us! Each week for the next 25 weeks we will receive a basket of organic fruits, veggies, and spices!! Today we went for a ride to pick up our first basket of crops. The farm is absolutely beautiful and it smells amazing when you walk past all of the fresh crops. Due to the fact that the farm is organic it takes a lot of extra work to keep the plants healthy and growing without being taken over by weeds. Sunday morning we are going to help them catch up with the weeding in the carrot beds. I am pretty excited to start volunteering there a couple times a month.
This was the basket of veggies we received today
We have also purchased a juicer, which I am completely obsessed with and have been juicing EVERYTHING! My favorite juices so far are carrot/apple and kale/apple. I need to start looking up more juice recipes! Since I started juicing I haven't had one cup of coffee in the morning and I feel great! I can not believe the energy a cup of fresh juice can give you! Now that we have so many veggies from the farm I can experiment a little more!
For dinner tonight....A cup of fresh kale/apple juice, organic veggies and whole wheat pasta salad!
Oh! I forgot that I grabbed a bundle of some fresh sage at the farm and I
am going to dry it out to make a sage stick for cleansing!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Today's Practice...Balance
We all can use a little mental and physical balance in our lives from time to time. Some days more than others. This morning my mind felt a little foggy and unbalanced so I based my daily practice around that. It takes concentration and the right state of mind to practice balance asanas. Two of my favorite balance poses....
Tree Pose: Vrksasana
Dancer Pose: Natarajasana
Besides working on single balance poses I went through a balance sequence using one of my favorite apps. I use one for the Mac BookPro but I believe the application also available for the iPhone and iPad. It was a great purchase and I definitely recommend it. You are able to create your own sequence, use ready made sequences, or have one created for you depending on what you are trying to achieve in your practice that day.
During my daily practice I always try to connect with every inch of my entire body, but since being pregnant I enjoy sometimes connecting only with our little man growing in my belly.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Little Man In a Bubble
I sit a lot and think about how I am going to show Owen to understand life at an early age. I sometimes get upset over the fact that my son is going to be born into situations that aren't healthy for his soul. So many things I want him to see and learn and so many people I want him to meet, yet so many people I wish I could completely keep away from him. How do you stop negativity from influencing a child? Or stop negative vibrations of those around him from affecting his soul? How do you teach a young child who is going to be confused about what is going on around him in the first place, to not be soak up what other people try to teach him, to be pure and learn on his own. If it was up to me I would only bring him around those who will uplift his soul...but unfortunately it is not. This world is a big place and no matter how hard we try to keep away from the bad, the good could not be possible without it. The good, the bad, the bad in the good, the good in the bad. Eventually I will figure it out. No worries. Until than I just have to smile and keep doing what I do.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Yoga Life!
My practice felt amazing this morning!! I have been working on shoulder strengthening and flowing directly from down dog into plank without having to reposition my hands! I read a little advice from an instructor that you know there is the right amount of distance between your hands and feet in down dog when you can go directly into plank and not move your hands. I love to connect with my little man and send him positive vibrations through the last three asanas. I hope he loves yoga as much as I do! I can not wait to be able to practice with him by my side! What a beautiful start to this day!
I am participating in the Dharma Yoga Challenge on instagram!! I can only practice select poses that are safe for me and the baby right now but I am still having fun participating!! These next two pictures are Day 6: One leg pigeon pose and 7: Standing split pose of the challenge!!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Zoo Day!!
Had such an amazing morning at the Zoo with my cousin Erika, her son Aiden, and my little cousin Madison!! Aiden was our guide and read the map to us the entire time!! I can not believe how smart he is for only being 4 years old! We went to Professor Wyld's Zoo show and watched a crazy pirate! It was great exercise for a pregnant lady let me tell you!! Walking non-stop for three and a half hours with no back aches or sore feet!! It felt great! They have transformed the Cleveland Zoo into such a nice place to visit, we all really enjoyed ourselves!!
The sign said Boomer!! :) I love being a Hoogenboom! How cute are they!

Of course I had to do a little yoga at the zoo!! :) Family Photo!

The sign said Boomer!! :) I love being a Hoogenboom! How cute are they!
Of course I had to do a little yoga at the zoo!! :) Family Photo!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Momma Boom is 7 months Today!!!
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