Friday, February 8, 2013

Community Positivity

POSITIVITY PROJECT: A friend sent me this picture yesterday saying "I think you would enjoy this". It was taken in the eastern part of Cleveland! Anyway it gave me an idea for an activity! Get your cameras ready and capture pictures that stand for peace, positivity, kindness, and love! I hope everyone joins in!!! Instead of always recognizing what is wrong with our communities lets love the communities we live in and the people in our communities. Find the positivity that surrounds us! If you have instagram tag your pictures with #communitypositivity if not you can email the photos and I will post them all in blog posts! Make sure to leave a little comment where the picture was taken so we can appreciate the positivity all over the United States!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Smile and say Cheese!!

Hi Everyone,

     Wow it has been awhile!!  I apologize for being a lazy blogger lately, the pregnancy fatigue is crazy but I'm starting to fight it off and get things done.  Anyway I am 9 weeks going on 10, it's amazing how fast time flies when you sleep through it all haha!  I have been staying as positive as can being and waking up with a smile always being grateful for each day.  Went a little Amazon crazy and ordered the baby a few things hehe...


      Lately I have felt that there are certain people who I associate with they may not have a positive influence on my life, in fact there are people that give off negative vibes when ever I am in their presence or even just communicate with them.  Positive attracts positive and not wanting to be around certain people has made me say to myself "no wonder I don't want to be around them!!"  I have slowly started to remove certain people from my life for the better.  I have my friends and family that I stay in touch with even if it is only a few times a year that we speak, I am always sure to let them know how much I love them and how much they mean to me.

      The point I am trying to make is that to keep yourself happy sometimes removing those negative people is necessary.  Living a positive life is about doing things that make you happy and feeling those good vibes.  Think about some of those people who you know that if they weren't in our lives we would be better off.  We should LOVE ALL but that doesn't mean be friends with everyone.  We should always be kind to all no matter what but it's our choice who we want to associate with.  Positive people want to be around other positive people.  It's the law of attraction.

      I believe there is no such thing as good or bad people, we are all human, but some of us understand life a little more than others.  There are the people who have control over their lives and those who have not figured out how to live the life they want without hurting others.  Understanding life has nothing to do with age.  I'd like to make that loud and clear!   JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE OLDER THAN SOMEONE ELSE DOES NOT MEAN YOU UNDERSTAND MORE THAN THEY DO.  I know lots of wise children.  Yes children!!  Children that are more wise the most of the adults I know.  In fact one of my very best friends is one of THE wisest people I have ever met.  When you are in her presence you feel nothing but happiness.  She is in her mid-twenties but has already fought cancer and as she continues to fight, although she had her bad days, she keeps a smile on her face and always spreads good vibes.  When I have bad days and complain about the little things I think about her and what a beautiful soul she is and things always get better.  She lives thousands of miles away from me but I feel her positive vibes everyday.