Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tis' The Season To Be Giving

Day 3 Positivity Project.

It is the holiday season, the season to give.  Today's activity is going to extend to New Year's Eve .  We all love to receive gifts but let's remind ourselves of what we do to help other's and give back during this time of year.  Each day, today being the first day, until New Year's Eve jot down two or three things you did that day to help someone.  On New Year's Day reread all of the the things you did, and remind yourself how you ended last year with giving!!  It always feels great to help those around you!!

Tis' the Season To Be Jolly and Give back to Society.

                                                                   HAVE FUN GIVING!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Love Myself Because...

Day 2: Positivity Project.

Sometimes it is hard to love yourself, but we can't spread love to others unless the love for your self is present first.
Today's activity for the positivity project...in the middle of a piece of paper write really big "I LOVE MYSELF BECAUSE...."and around that write things that you love about yourself.  You might only want to list a few things right now and when ever you feel down add to your list.  It may be a body part that you love or something that you do that you love.
Let us all fall in love with ourselves!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Positivity Project: Day 1.

I would like to personally thank Jamie, With Love Jamie for partaking in the positivity project!  She is such a beautiful soul, an amazing mother, wife, and friend!  She even shared the project on her own blog!

Jamie's and My own grateful list:
This is just the beginning!!  Thank you jamie!


Mrs. Boom's Positivity Project

Hello There!!
   We all have read and watched on T.V. the terrible things that take place around us in this world, for example the recent shooting in Connecticut.  My heart goes out to all of those family's that lost their loved ones.  I was sitting around thinking about a way to get everyone involved in bringing positivity into their own lives, because as much as we would like to fix everything that is wrong with the world we know that is impossible, so lets begin by patching up our own lives.

Today is Day 1 of Mrs. Boom's Positivity Project.
I would like you all to grab an old notebook and a pen and this is all you will need!
On a fresh sheet of paper title it "DAY 1 POSITIVITY".
Number from 1-20 and list 20 things you are grateful for in your life.
Now you can keep your notebook next to your bed or  you may want to carry it with you, this is the beginning of a happier life.

Now every night before you go to bed add 5 things to that list that you were grateful for that day, not to much to ask it will only take a few minutes, even if you felt like you had a bad day, we can always find things we are grateful for.

When ever you feel life isn't going your way or you just have a case of the blues, take your positivity notebook out and read through all of those things you listed, it will put a smile on your face.

Each day I will post a new quick activity that will help you form a more positive outlook on life.  It is up to you whether or not you will partake, but the more you do the more positive you can be.


If you have an instagram you can take a picture of your daily activity and tag it #boompositivityprogject  and each day I will feature some one's activity on my blog!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I was jamming to some techno on my way to work laughing by myself because I am so happy and grateful for my life and the things that I have! I am grateful to be able to go to college and get a degree in something that I love! For my beautiful family, blood or no blood, the family I have created for myself! For my amazing handsome husband and our two beautiful dogs! I am even grateful for the things that will come in my future, because I know things will only get better and better as the days go by! Than I read the daily teaching from "The Secret" iphone app and look what it had to say!! Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are to attract more positivity into your life' I hope you all have a beautiful day!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Simple Holiday Craft

I made this in about 5 minutes!!  How cute and easy!

Here is the link to: Reindeer Head Silhouette

I got the frame from the dollar store awhile back!  Hope you all have fun making your holiday reindeer heads!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Candy Making Sunday with the ladies!!

I have to say this is one of the funnest Sunday's I have had in awhile!!  My husband's grandmother, my mother in-law and sister in-law all got together this sunday to make candy for the holidays as little homemade gifts.  We had a ball.  Grandma Sandy used to be a teacher and she is very on point with things so whenever we weren't paying attention she'd yell "shut up"!!   Ha!  I can't help but crack up while I write this post, I guess you had to be there to understand.  We made all different types of chocolates.  Turtles with carmel and nuts, chocolate covered pretzels, popcorn, peanut butter, coconut!! It was amazing, all though I have to say I came home with a stomach ache because my sister in-law and myself kept licking up spoons full of melted chocolate!  Nicole (my sister in-law) and I also inherited some of Grandma Sandy's old Christmas stuff!!  We are total opposites, Nicole very girly and I am the tomboy!  We found two mini nut crackers that fit us both to the T, the princess and the warrior!  I love it!  I am so grateful to have those three woman in my life.  I have built such a wonderful relationship with those ladies that just the thought of them puts a grin on my face!  I can't wait too see what Grandma Sandy has planned for us next!!

                                                                   Grandma Sandy

                                                                          Sisters =D

                                                     The Princess      &       The Warrior

My Story Published on HoneyLoves!!!!

I am so grateful to have been able to share my life story on such an inspirational website!!  HoneyLoves allows women to share advice and stories about life from relationships, to sex, to just advice about everyday life!!  I suggest all of you beautiful ladies check it out!  To get the site password contact Ig@honeyloves.co and don't forget to read my story!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Casino Night with Mom Boom

Tonight was a night of fun. My mother in-law and myself went to the new casino here in downtown Cleveland. I am not much of a gambler, to be honest I don't even really like gambling but my husbands grandmother and mother love it and get free play money every week. This week Grandma Sandy couldn't go so she gave me her card and told me that Mom and myself were going Thursday. Fifty free dollars so I said I'm in. My mother
in-law loves the slots. I can't believe how much fun we had and even though I do not like gambling, the thing I enjoyed the most was watching Mom Boom on cloud 9, with an endless smile on her face. If you know Mom Boom you know that she is the nicest lady you have probably ever met! Always helping others. She even fed the homeless that were outside of the casino before we ever went in. She would give you the shirt off her back even if it was the last article of clothing she owned. She brings so much joy to my life just being able to watch her have fun pushing buttons made my night! I am so grateful to have someone like her in my life! She is a ray of constant sunshine! Even though I didn't win millions in cash tonight like I imaged I would win, I had the time of my life. Seeing her happy and the joy that she brings to my life, is worth more than any amount of money. If you all only had the chance to meet her she would bring joy to your's too.

The Secret

My life will soon change and everything I ever wanted will be reality.  It's the secret.  There is no doubt or thoughts of discouragement in my mind.  I can feel the energy and the excitement that will soon be brought to my life.  I can picture the house I have always dreamed of living in with two beautiful, healthy, intelligent children and my amazing husband Kyle.  I can see the money I have always dreamed of and doing things that I have always wanted to do.  I can see my yoga studio and the places I will be taking vacations to with my husband and our future children.  I see it all and not long from today will I have it all.  I will have it all without hurting anyone physically or mentally because it's all about positivity.  Spreading positive vibes with my thoughts, picturing what I want and what I will soon have everyday is how I will obtain everything I have ever wanted.

What do you want in life?
What are you grateful for?

Grab a piece of paper and list those things.  Things that you want and that you are grateful for in your life today.  Do not get discouraged when it doesn't come right away because if you picture it, if you know it is going to happen, whether you know how it will happen or not, you will have what you want.

Read or Watch the Secret.
Although my life has not shifted quite yet, I know everything I want will come and it will come soon, because I know what I want and I know I will have it.