Friday, January 25, 2013

Smile and be happy for everyone.

Sometimes we want what others have and we may not always be able to achieve that "want" at the moment, but it is not a reason to give up.  That's when you should think about what you already have and be grateful, but not only being grateful for what you have is going to get you what you want.  You have to be happy for those around and what they have too.

I asked a few people to let me know what makes them happy and what they are grateful for.  Enjoy what others have to say and be happy for them.  Don't be selfish and complain about something they have that you want.  Be grateful for what you have at this moment and things will only get better.  Maybe they might remind you of something you should be grateful for.

What makes me happy:  My dude, our daughter, tattoos, when strangers are nice, and cupcakes.
What I am grateful for:  My pappy, good friends, to have a hard working man, that we're all healthy, and I appreciate electricity since not having it for a week during hurricane Sandy.

What makes me happy:  My hubby, my son, my dog, sunshine, and cannolis.
What I am grateful for:  Family, friends, my faith, my health, my home.

What makes me happy:  My wife, my son, wrestling, fishing, beer.
What I am grateful for:  Good family,  a job I like, and my health.

What I am grateful for:  My wife, our dogs, my parents, our house, and our baby on the way.

What I am grateful for:  My kids, my dog, my friends, and my whole family.

What I am grateful for:  My supportive and loving family, the friends that give me things to smile about even on boring days, that I am able to afford school and pursue my dreams, my faith, and peace/hope it brings me to face each day, and that I am able to be an independent young woman who is learning about herself every day.

What I am grateful for:  I am grateful for my kids more than anything else.  They are the reason I live and love.  I am grateful that they have grown through my example to be open minded and blind to color and religion.  I am grateful for my parents because they made me the man I am today.  I am grateful for my health because I know there are many less fortunate than I.  And last I am grateful for living in this country with freedoms I have.

What I am grateful for:  Waking up to another day, a roof over my head, the chance to spend the rest of my life with someone who loves me for me, my family, and the time that I did have with my dad.

What I am grateful for: my family, my friends, life, my education, and happiness.

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