Friday, May 17, 2013

Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

Today is a new day.

I have experienced anxiety for the first time in a long time yesterday and as I awoke this morning I told myself today is a new day.  The mantra of the day yesterday was: I will be free of complaints, but I let myself down.  From the time I awoke I started to complain about actions of those who surround me causing the Universe to send more things my way to complain about.  Today is a new day.  New internal lessons learned.  I am strong minded and in a very great place spiritually, I can not let the weak minded affect me as I did.  I have made it a promise to myself to let the actions of weak minded people challenge me and see how positive I can truly be.  I have a quote posted on my bedroom wall "I am to positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated."  All so true.  Today is a new day let the lessons of yesterdays past help me better today's future.  Let silence take over where silence is needed instead of harsh hateful unnecessary words.  I am grateful for the lessons I learn and for those who helped me learn them.  I am grateful for those who surround me whether they are positive people or negative, something positive can come out of everything.  Everything happens for a reason, you can always find the good if you just look deep enough.

I am grateful for the family I have, blood or not.
I am grateful for my husband and everything he does to protect and take care of me and our unborn child.
I am grateful for the challenges the Universe throws at me, they can only make me stronger.
I am grateful for the little birds with a nest by my front door, singing sweet songs, of melody's so pure and true, saying this is my message to you. haha Thanx Bob. :)

Everything little thing is going to be alright.

Mantra of the day:  My mind is stronger than those who are weak.  I have found internal peace.

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